It was a fun-filled get together at KNCHS ground in a 2-day grand alumni homecoming last Dec. 27-28,2008 hosted by the Batch '83. On the first day, the event was started by a Mass. After which, there was a motorcade around the City of Koronadal. The batch '93 did not miss this opportunity to join and enjoy the activities.
"I feel proud being an alumnus of my beloved alma mater.", says one of the batchmates who attended the reunion for the first time. It makes me feel great too because without KNCHS, I may not be in this state right now. I felt blessed that I gained a lot of knowledge at an early stage of my high school years.
With the batch 1983's theme and motif, Rodeo or cowboy/cowgirl, there were lots of participation coming from different batches who dressed up like one in the parade and evening program. It was a unique idea that gaves glow and enthusiasm to everyone.
However, I noticed that in the evening of the celebration, there were more alumni compared to daytime activities. We'll perhaps because there were some alumni who still have work to attend to during the day.
Nevertheless, the activity was a success. It simply showed that KNCHS after how many long years had been an avenue to many individuals to soar high and be successful. As our Hymn says,"We are proud to stand tall and look up high with dignity in your name."